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Story behind Domaine Asmara #2

August 12, 2017


上期講到Domaine Asmara的主人 Andreas一手一腳建立起自己的酒莊,每天心繫著的就只有這一片屬於自己的小土地。
Andreas 跟我們說,起始之初,他就特意從法國訂製了一系列的橡木桶及發酵缸,讓他的葡萄酒能帶有淡淡的木香及在穩定的情況下發酵與熟成。除了這樣Andreas 還特別欣賞喜歡學習的年青人,每年葡萄收割時期,他都會讓一群有意學習釀製葡萄酒的年青人到酒莊幫忙,過程中他會將收割、除梗、榨汁、發酵以至熟成與入樽的過程都一一向他們講解。期望讓更多人了解紅酒的奧妙。
雖然釀製葡萄酒並不容易,有時在40°C的高溫下還要繼續工作,汗都是一滴滴地滴進土地,但所有在Domaine Asmara工作過的年青人都說這將是他們最珍貴的經驗和回憶。🌞❤️


【Fun Wine Trivia 】

🍷🍷 In the previous episode, we shared Andreas’ story and how his passion and love for winemaking make him successful at building his own winery --Domaine Asmara. And now, we would like to continue the exploration of their art of wine making and the secrets behind their exquisite wines.

👴🏻Andreas has a strong belief that good quality wine deserves good quality facility. So he ordered **super premium oak barrels and fermentation tank from France**to enrich the flavor of his wines with extra odorants and odorant precursors. In every harvest season, Andreas will gather a group of teenagers who are passionate in learning wine making to work in his winery. During the work, he teaches them with all his heart to show them the whole process of winemaking including harvesting, fermenting, aging and bottling.

Victoria is tucked into the south-eastern corner of the Australian mainland and it enjoys fine and sunny weather. It’s never an easy task to make wines as the winemaker are required to work ceaselessly even the temperature reaches 40°C. For the people who work in Domaine Asmara, particular the youngsters, 👫all the hard work, sweat and dirt will always be their fond memories. Kudos to all winemakers around the world for making the best wine for us!!!🍷


#ChateauMary #Domaine Asmara​

Story behind Domaine Asmara #1

August 09, 2017


酒莊的主人 ANDREAS是位退休生物工程師,從小就希望擁有屬於自己酒莊的他,於2010年毅然帶著妻兒搬到遠離城市的地方,建立起自己的酒莊!

【Fun Wine Trivia 】

🍷🍷Situated in the heart of the Heathcote wine region, Domaine Asmara is a family owned and operated vineyard which dedicates to produce exceptional red and white wines. 

The winery owner Andreas Grieving was a former chemical engineer for a multinational chemical company. He first discovered his passion for wine making when he was a young boy and never lost the dream of owning his vineyard. In 2010, he decided to pursue his winemaking dream with his family. His dedication and passion for wine making have earned him success and recognition from the industry, including** World’s Greatest Shiraz Challenge XI, Australia’s Best Cellar Door Awards and the trophy winner of Heathcote Wine Show.**

This year, we are so happy and proud to announce a partnership with Domaine Asmara. Chateau Mary is appointed to be their exclusive dealer in Asia. We hope to continue to explore and offer a wider variety of finest wines to you.

In the next post, we are going to take a closer look at Domaine Asmara and see the insider stories of this winery.

#ChateauMary #Domaine Asmara

Wines in Bordeaux

December 18, 2015

Bordeaux used to be more famous for white wine, but after 1970, the popularity of red grew massively. Today, 89% of Bordeaux wines are red; 11% are white.



Wine doesn’t make you fat.

December 09, 2015

Good news – Wine doesn’t make you fat. Experts believe that the calories in alcohol are not metabolized in the same way as calories from carbohydrates, fats or protein. So, time to consider having a glass of wine instead of chocolate pudding for dessert if you want to keep fit.

好消息! 好消息!! - 喝酒不會致肥! 專家認為,我們身體吸收酒中的卡路里與吸收碳水化合物、脂肪或蛋白質的熱量不同,所以想保持身形苗條的話,以葡萄酒取代甜品吧!


About Bordeaux Region

December 04, 2015

The Bordeaux region is made up of five main districts: Medoc, St Emilion, Pomerol, Graves, and Sauternes. Chateau Mary brings the crème de la crème in Bordeaux and around the world directly from the vineyard to Hong Kong.

波爾多地區由五個主要區域組成:梅多克、聖埃米利永、波美侯、格拉夫和蘇玳。Chateau Mary就直接從波爾多和世界各地的葡萄園帶來了上乘的葡萄酒到香港給大家品嚐。

- Image Credit: Wine Folly -


Art of blending of Bordeaux wines

November 27, 2015

Nearly all Bordeaux wines are blended using two or more grape varieties. It’s this “art of blending” that gives Bordeaux wines their distinctive style.


- Image Credit: Wine Folly -


Wine producers in Bordeaux

November 20, 2015

Bordeaux has more than 9,000 wine producers. 60% of these producers make the wine on their own premises, and the others entrust the task to cooperatives.

波爾多有超過9000個葡萄酒生產商,60 %的酒商會於自己酒園釀製葡萄酒,而餘下的40%就會將這個任務委託給合作社。

- Source: 


How well do you know Bordeaux?

November 20, 2015

Bordeaux - France's largest fine wine region in both production and vineyard acreage, produces approximately 700 million bottles of wine every year, mostly by small, family-owned vineyards.

波爾多 - 法國最大的葡萄酒區,每年生產約700萬瓶葡萄酒,主要由小型家庭擁有的葡萄園出產。


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